Who We Are
We are a highly motivated team with a love for the zipline sport and promoting the conservation and appreciation of Mother Earth. Our priority is to offer a zipline experience surrounded by the beauty of nature in a secure environment.
We hope to provide the opportunity to help you develop or improve the required skills to perform zipline activities by offering our guided two-hour zipline experience with a variety of adventures: open/closed spaces, high/slow speeds, ground to high, high to high, and high to ground lines.

Why Trust Us
We perform a daily revision of all systems before starting activities. Our facilities have five high platforms with a height of approximately 30 feet from the ground and three low platforms at the end of runs. The latter are no more than 4 feet above the ground. These platforms were designed by master craftsman Hector Alvarez, a knowledgeable craftsman of trees, wood, and their applications with over 25 years of experience and certified by the Economic Development Company. The construction was performed by skilled workers under the supervision of the system’s designer and engineer. Alvarez is also a member of ACCT, the Association for Challenge Course Technology.
The ecological design is one that adapts to the topography and shape of the trees that host it. Basically, these platforms add their structure to the strength of the tree, creating a symbiotic relationship which protects the tree from the impact, allowing for long-term use.
What We Do for You
To assist you, we have a team of five people properly trained in handling systems and certified in First Aid (SFA) and CPR. These resources are available to assist users at all times during the activity. The zipline crew receives participants on each of the platforms, helps you to change direction by changing the connection to the other zipline cable, and assures you are secure for the next zipline travel section.
Our business is to guide groups of 32 people each in the zipline activity, providing you with the appropriate equipment. The zipline activity lasts two hours per group.